Baron's Hundehütte

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Baron at 22 weeks old, exploring the local jungle-gym

     Hello, and welcome to Baron's Hundehütte (Dog House). This site is here to share photos, and accomplishments of my Loyal Little friend Baron. All of the things Baron & I do at this point as far as training is concerned is just imprinting, and not serious Obedience. Baron will be 6 months old on November 20th 2004, and is going through some seirous teething pains right now. Nothing is safe in the house, chairs, shoes, towels, and for that matter nothing is safe outside either, as Baron loves to Bring newly discovered rocks inside the house, and even the occasional frozen doggy-doo.
     To describe Baron's personality is somewhat difficult at this point, however he seems to be a cross between (actor) Jack Nicholson & the grumpy puppet Oscar the Grouch. Baron Has just graduated Puppy Class which consisted of 6 weeks of basic commands, and general puppy socialization. Baron was not very social, and to be honest his attitude made me think we would never graduate, but hey we paid the $50.00 and I dont think they wanted a Large, barking German Shepherd Dog in the class for another 6 weeks terrorizing other smaller, and shy puppies.

